Dive Right In, the Water's Fin...

Howdy, Zack here.

Today, on Valentine's Day, let's talk about diving into ‘shark-infested’ waters.

Not just any waters, but the ones we've convinced ourselves are too dangerous, too unknown, or too fraught with peril—whether in our personal lives or at work.

Being married to Gwen since 2001 has taught me the importance of diving into the depths of our relationship, even when it seems like there might be sharks lurking. It's the intentional moments, like setting aside work to listen to her day, that strengthen our bond. Other times, it's being willing to tackle the tough conversations. For our teenage triplets, diving in can mean experiencing the thrill of a first, like going out on their first dates or holding hands for the first time.

Sometimes, the biggest sharks are the ones we create in our minds. Fear, doubt, hesitation. Yet, there's something exhilarating and deeply rewarding about taking that leap, especially when your gut tells you it's time. In life and love, we often stand at the edge, peering into what we perceive as dangerous depths. But what if I told you that sometimes, those sharks are just waiting for us to join the swim, to be part of the adventure?

This Valentine's Day, whether it's diving into a new relationship, nurturing an existing one, or facing a professional challenge, remember: the water's fine, and the sharks might just be smiling.

How might you dive in?


  • Face Your Fears
    Identify what’s holding you back. Name your 'sharks' and recognize they might not be as scary as you think.
  • Tackle That Task
    Pick one professional challenge you've been avoiding. Approach it with a fresh perspective and a willingness to conquer.
  • Lean Into Love
    Express your feelings to those who matter most. Whether it's a lifelong partner or someone new in your life, today's the day to share your heart.

Just remember:
Diving into the unknown can be daunting, but it often leads to the most rewarding outcomes. Trust your instincts, take the leap, and you might just find the waters welcoming. 🦈 💖


  1. 🍫 HelloChocoloate — Gift the world’s best chocolate.
  2. 🥰 Marriage365 — Invest in your marriage.
  3. 🦈 Hawaii Adventure — Dive in with real sharks.

Until next Wednesday, let’s not just dip our toes in. Let's dive headfirst into the waters of love, challenge, and opportunity. Who knows? You might just meet a friendly shark along the way.

How We Scale

Gain the lessons and hard-fought wins that help my clients go from Stuck to Scaling, earning Millions more & becoming Best Places to Work. No AI, just stories from my journey as an entrepreneur, executive coach, and dad of triplets + Jenna brings our key takeaway to life in a simple sketch. Grab a cup of joe and join us!

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