
How We Scale

Overwhelmed? Pick 1 Thing a Week

Howdy, Zack here.

Focus on 1 thing a week; before you know it, you'll have 52 weekly wins.

Choose 1 crucial task to complete each week. If it aligns with your quarterly and annual goals, you're not just ticking off weekly milestones but also making headway on your bigger goals.

Why just 1 thing a week? We're swamped with endless tasks and reminders. This overload is overwhelming and often has a paralyzing effect on our productivity. You'll get more done in the right direction by choosing a top weekly priority aligned with your major objectives.

What if 1 thing doesn't sound like enough? Complete your top task, then tackle the next. Get the ball rolling, and before you know it, you'll be breezing through your top priorities and more. When was the last time you remember hitting 52 mini-goals in a row? It's totally possible, but you have to be willing to stick with it.

A little story on the power of a weekly 1-thing: In my Top Coach community, Mondays have a sacred ritual. For nearly two years at our Coffee & Coaches meetups, we share our 1-things before saying goodbye. This simple act has spurred wonders.

Take Julia Toothacre, an early member of our community. Her 1-thing blossomed from a fleeting thought to a tangible book on Amazon’s shelves — a journey achieved through weekly 1-thing accountability.

This strategy isn't just Julia's triumph; it has fostered podcasts, pioneered TED Talks, and keeps me firmly on my roadmap, aligning with my quarterly rocks and yearly goals. It’s more than a method; it’s a weekly promise to focus on completing your most important priorities.

How to nail your weekly 1 things:


  • Align with your Strat Plan.
    If you don't have a plan, start there.
  • Display your 1 thing.
    Write it down and stick it up so you can't ignore it.
  • Share for accountability.
    Tell someone your 1 thing. You're more likely to get it done.

Just remember:
Tackle your 1 thing each week to build a better goal-achieving rhythm — you may just accomplish all of your goals! 🙌


  1. Ninety — If you don't have a Strat Plan, check out Ninety.
  2. Workflowy — Not sure where to start? Organize your thoughts.
  3. Notion — Build a custom 1-thing tracker.

Until next Wednesday, pick 1 top priority you will get done this week.☝️

How We Scale

Gain the lessons and hard-fought wins that help my clients go from Stuck to Scaling, earning Millions more & becoming Best Places to Work. No AI, just stories from my journey as an entrepreneur, executive coach, and dad of triplets + Jenna brings our key takeaway to life in a simple sketch. Grab a cup of joe and join us!

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