
How We Scale

Stop Playing the Fool

Howdy, Zack here.

When you're fooling yourself, you're the fool.

You can wake up day after day and pretend that everything is okay.

You can put on a good smile and 'fake it until you make it', as they say.

You might fool your peers, your team, and even your family.

But, deep down, you know you're struggling.

I know, I've been the fool.

I allowed issues to stack up in work and life.

I put off doing numerous things I knew I needed to do.

I didn't handle those tough situations, because it would be hard.

Do you know what happened? It only got worse.

Until you're honest with yourself...

Nothing will change.

Are you ready to stop fooling yourself? Here's how...


  • Find a 'Lint Brother or Sister'
    That's someone who you can reach deep down into your pockets with and 'pull out the lint of your life'.
  • Ask for their Trust & Share Openly
    This person should be someone who you can 100% trust with your deepest struggles. Ask them to meet monthly for a bit.
  • Make a List & Prioritize Your Plan
    Knock out an easy win from your list first. It will feel good. Then, tackle the bigger issues next. Each month, be honest with where you're at. Truly honest. Don't pretend. You're done with that. Show up, do the work, and stop being the fool.

Just remember:
Playing 'the fool' tends to have a negative compound effect on your life. Instead, decide to be the 'the king' of your life and tackle your work and life issues one by one. I know you can do it! 😊


  1. 🌮 Yelp — Check out some of my fave food spots
  2. 🎾 GTC — Virtual 'Tennis Club' to help promote tennis locally
  3. 📈 Ninety — The one business tool you need

Until next Wednesday, there's no better time than now. As they also say, 'It's good to be king!'.

How We Scale

Gain the lessons and hard-fought wins that help my clients go from Stuck to Scaling, earning Millions more & becoming Best Places to Work. No AI, just stories from my journey as an entrepreneur, executive coach, and dad of triplets + Jenna brings our key takeaway to life in a simple sketch. Grab a cup of joe and join us!

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